Little Lakes Valley

One thing led to another and before we knew it, we had quite the epic few weeks planned. (Yey, summer!) We kicked it off with taking my boss and her son camping and fishing before heading to Mammoth to camp for a few days before our next backpacking trip.

We got into Sherwin Creek campground in Mammoth super late (after the now mandatory stop at Castro’s Taco’s for dinner), and set up camp and crashed. Our site ended up being so awesome, and I’m sad that we were only able to get one night at this site and had to pack up and move on the next morning.

Being late June, it was already warming up in Mammoth but our campground was up around 7,600′ in elevation, so the weather was very comfortable.

For our full day in Mammoth, I would be dropping Jon off at Convict Lake to fish, then Tessa and I were heading to Little Lakes Valley for a run/hike. Since the trailhead starts at 10,000′ some hiking would be necessary!

I was super excited to go back to Little Lakes Valley. Last year we backpacked out of this trailhead with Chris when we went over Mono Pass and were stunned by the amazing views of Little Lakes Valley. I knew I’d have to come back someday and see it up close, and that day was today!

Since neither of us would have cell service today, Jon and I had time limits on when and where we would regroup. I hoped to get out to Gem Lakes if time allowed.

The trailhead is quite popular, so it took some time to find parking. Finally, we were on our way! The hike started with a one-mile road walk to the actual trailhead, and the finally hit the trail. Heading out, I definitely felt the elevation, so we hiked the uphills and ran the flats and downhills.

And of course, stopped for many pictures, since the views from within the valley were just as lovely as that overlook last year had been!

Close to lunchtime, I took a little side trip to Chickenfoot Lake, which had the most incredible clear stream running into it. We explored the shores then stopped for a quick lunch of tortilla, trail butter and huma gel – a workout PB&J!

A couple miles later, we made it to the Gem Lakes – the approach to which was just gorgeous! I really wish I could have kept going or spent more time here. But I checked the time, and realized that I would need to hustle back to the trailhead if I wanted to meet Jon at our prescribed meet-up time.

We ran as much as I could on the way back, which was thankfully more of a net downhill.

I even made it back to Jon a few minutes early, which ended up being good since the wind had picked up at Convict Lake and he really hadn’t been able to fish much due to the weather! Next time, I’ll have to take him to Little Lakes Valley!

Trip Stats:

Out and Back

10.25 miles, 1,500’ elevation gain

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